Introduction to Data and Statistics

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  • Statistics is often taught by focusing on math and theory, without any context or application to the clinicians
  • This course will help you build an intuitive understanding of statistical concepts so that you can read the statistical methods section of research papers and interpret the study results fast and effectively
  • Provide a strong foundation so that statistics no longer feels difficult or complex by providing context and examples seen in real research papers
  • Allow clinicians to design their research projects and work with the statistician in a more effective manner

Who is this for?

  • People who want to have an intuitive understanding of statistical methods, so that they can read and understand research papers and the results
  • Clinicians who want to start their own research projects and have a meaningful discussion when designing statistical plans with the statistician

Who this is NOT for?

  • People who want to dive deeper into the math, calculus and theory of statistics. This course is designed for clinicians and focuses more on the application of statistics.

At the end of the course, you will:

  • Understand different types of data, descriptive and inferential data analysis, select appropriate statistical tests for different purposes, key principles of sampling, communicating chance and margin of error (p-values and confidence interval), and key concepts of power and sample size
  • Understand the difference between odds and risks, and how to interpret statistical data (comparison data, correlation tests and regression analyses
  • Know the importance of data quality and missing data, and how to deal with data problems
  • Gain the foundational skills that prepare you to pursue more advanced topics in statistical analysis


  • Short video lessons (~5-15 min) with accompanying worksheets to help solidify the concepts.
  • Plenty of examples from real research papers
  • Quizzes to test your understanding


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